
8. Path selection tool and Direct Selection tool

We use these tools to move and modify path perfectly.

How to use of the Path selection tool:
The Path Selection tool is used for only moving any path.

-At first, creates a new page.
-Then select the Pen tool.

-Click on the page as first point.
-Press Shift + Click as second point on the page.
-Accordingly click as the third and fourth point.

-Again, click to the first point.
-So we will look a path.

-Then select the Path Selection tool.

-Click on edge of the path and drag anywhere for moving.

But why do we create path?
-I was described about the path in the Pen tool tutorial (tutorial no. 9).

How to use of the Direct Selection tool:
The Direct Selection tool is used to modify/edit path.
-At first, create a new page.
-Then select the Pen tool.

-And create a path.
-Therefore, we will look a path with four points in the page/stage.

-Then select the Direct Selection tool.
-Click on any point and drag anywhere to modify or move specific pointer.

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