
9. Pen tool:

We use the Pen tool to draw anything accurately. At first, we create a path then convert it to a selection or shape for drawing.

How to use of the Pen tool:
Using of the Pen tool is very easy.

Now, we will create a rectangle.
-At first, creates a new page.
-Select the Pen tool.

-Click anywhere on the page/stage.
-Therefore, we will see a point in the page/stage.

-Again, click to create another point below the first point.
-Accordingly create another two points.

-Finally click to the first point and suddenly drag left below as picture below to create a curved line.

-This is a path.

-Now, we will set a color in the created path.
-Select the Paint Bucket tool.

-Click on the “Fore Ground Color” icon.
-Choose a color and click to ok button.

-Then click on the path.
-We will see a massage. Click to Ok button.

-Our path will hide.
-However, click on hidden path.

-Therefore, we will see a color object as Sack.

-Now, we will set stroke for the Sack.
-Click to the Edit menu and click to Stroke.

-You can change width, color and location then click to Ok button.

Another example:

-Create four points as picture below.

-Finally click on the first point to joint.

-So this is a Path.
-Then select the “Add Anchor Point Tool”.

-Click on left and right side of the Path.

-Select the “Direct Select Tool”.

-Then click on the new first point and drag to right side.
-Again, click on the new second point and drag to left side.

-Then set color and stroke as first example.

Freeform Pen tool:
This tool is same as Pen tool but it is very easy. We can create any path easily by dragging mouse.
-At first, creates a new page.
-Select the Freeform Pen tool.

-Draw on the page as Pencil tool.
-This is a path.

-Now, we will set a color in the created path.
-Select the Paint Bucket tool.

-Click on the “Fore Ground Color” icon.
-Choose a color and click to Ok button.

-Then click on the path.
-We will see a massage. Click to Ok button.

-Our path will hide.
-However, click on hidden path.

-Therefore, we will see a color object as Sack.

-Now, we will set stroke for the Sack.
-Click to the Edit menu and click to Stroke.

-You can change width, color and location then click to Ok button.

Add Anchor Point tool:
We use this tool only add anchor point on the Path.
-At first, creates a new page.
-Select the Pen tool.

-Create a rectangle path as picture below.

-Then select the “Add Anchor Point tool”.

-Click on the path in anywhere.

-We will see more point on the Path.

Now, we can modify Path by clicked on the new points and dragged.

Delete Anchor Point tool:
This tool is used for deleting any anchor point from Path.
-At first, creates a new page.
-Select the Pen tool.
-Create a rectangle path as picture below.

-Select the “Delete Anchor Point tool”.
-Click on the rectangular path.
-We will see many anchors point in the rectangular path.

-Then click on any anchor point to delete point.

-Try to delete another point.

-We will see this path convert as picture below.

Convert Point tool:
We use the Convert tool to break a line and bend a line to draw effectively.

-At first, create a new page.
-Select the Pen tool.
-Create two points as picture below.

-Accordingly, create another point and suddenly drag up-left as picture below to create a curved line.

-We will see another two lines.
-These lines are used to curve any line.
When we draw first and second point, we can draw straight line.
But at now, we cannot draw straight line.
For this reason, we will use the “Convert Point tool”.

-So, select the “Convert Point tool”.

-Click on the red marked point and drag to below point.

-Then select the Pen tool.

-Click on the first anchor point.

-Look at below.

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