
How does create a classical room?

We will set another picture on the window.
-Insert/open a new picture.
-Select the Background Eraser tool from toolbox or Press Shift + E for Background eraser tool.

-Click on white area of the picture to remove background.

-Drag the picture to the main page.
-Press the Ctrl + T (T = Transform tool) from keyboard.
-Resize the picture by click to any red marked pointer.

-Click to the Enter key.


-Now, we will set a stylish text on the window/page.
-Select text tool from toolbox or Press T from keyboard.
-Select the Wide Latin as font.
-Write anything in the window/page.

-Select the Styles pallet.
-Click on the Crumble metal as style. Alternatively, we can select any styles.


-Now, we will create a light focus on the last inserted picture.
-Create a new layer (keyboard shortcut:  Shift + Ctrl + N).
-Click to the Elliptical Marquee tool from toolbox or Press Shift + M for Elliptical Marquee tool.
-Draw a circle on the last inserted picture.

-In this time, select the Polygonal Lasso tool from toolbox (keyboard shortcut: Shift + Ctrl + L).
-Click on the “Add to Selection” option from upon toolbar.

-Click to the first red marked point, click to second point and double click to the third point as picture below.

-Click to the Enter key.
-Select foreground color as white.
-Press Alt + Delete/Backspace key from keyboard.

-Click on the “Layer 11”.
-Change the Opacity to 40.

-Then remove the lines from the project/window.

-Now, we can save this project as Jpeg or BMP format.


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